Please note: This website is about our research related to COVID-19. For CDC guidance, please visit For information about UMBC's COVID-19 response, please visit

The COVID-19 pandemic has had enourmous impact on life around the world. People's lives have changed dramatically from a few months ago. While many places are beginning to reopen, much of the reopening process depends on increasing testing capacity. This research focuses on how computed tomography (CT) scans along with deep learning models can be used to help with identifying patients with COVID-19.


This website contains information about research on developing a synthetic dataset of computed tomography (CT) scans for patients with COVID-19 that could be used to aid in training deep learning models. Once our synthetic dataset is complete, we will make it available for download from this site. In addition to the downloadable dataset, this site will also contain information about the project, the people involved, our sources of funding and publications, and how you can contact us.

This work is funded by an NSF RAPID grant. More details about the grant can be found here.

We will also provide the latest updates regarding the state of the research and publications regarding the research on this page.

Our work with generating synthetic COVID-19 x-ray images was presented at the 2020 IEEE BigData conference. Below is a video of our presentation.